SmartCarb Flat Slides-Improving a Vintage Ducati Bevel Twin

Posted by Scot Wilson on Feb 28th 2019

I remain amazed at the performance and the quality of our “SmartCarb” branded flat-slide carbs by Technology Elevated. As a former amateur racer, I have had the opportunity to use DelOrto’s, Mikuni’s and Keihin’s which are well known brands. However, based upon my experience on our test track and combined with the read-outs from the Dyno, these units are in a class by themselves. The first twin cylinder, four-stroke engine that we are using for testing is a Ducati bevel drive. My company, Italianiron Classics specializes in predominately vintage motorcycles from Ducati Bevel Drives to the Ducati 996 Superbike. We will also be using/testing the SmartCarbs on our TT 1000 Racer with Monster S2R engine, a TT 1 Racer with a 750 F1 engine and then a 1100 Ducati Race engine.  

Stock Bevel Drive Ducati’s like my 1981 Ducati 900 ss MHR have been known as quick starting bikes. However, I previously needed to kick-through the fuel mixture before turning on the ignition with the 40 mm DelOrto’s in an effort to prep the engine before starting it. Now that I am using the SmartCarbs, EVERY time I go to my vintage Ducati, it starts immediately and with extreme ease from that first kick. This has been an unexpected surprise.

 Not only are the Smart Carbs very high quality, billet items, but the technology is amazing! Less fuel consumption, check! Strong, consistent power delivery achieved on the Dyno in comparison to the DelOrto’s formerly on my Ducati 900 ss MHR. We did improve a couple of BHP up to 6000 rpm as of this writing and our intention is to work to find more BHP gains at the top end as we experiment more with the settings. So “check” on BHP gains with more to come! Throttle action is amazing which is a benefit of Flat Slides in general, but these “SmartCarbs” are in another league!! Cannot wait to get my quick-pull, race throttles which will make the performance even more astounding. My vintage Ducati already builds revs sharply from idle at “warp speed” with the SmartCarbs. The only limitation is the effectiveness of the pull of the current throttle.

Altitude compensation gains, “double check”. I took my Bevel Drive Ducati up Mt. Lemmon and started at 1500 ft. and stopped around 7000 ft level with no carb adjustments needed or losses experienced due to changes in altitude. It was a great ride up Mt. Lemmon. Yet how is this achieved as I am a rider and not an engineer?


 Corey Dyess, Executive at Technology Elevated, states that the SmartCarb once “Dialed-In” does not require any adjustments for air density. The Internal Venting (which looks like a Ram Air Intake) provides for air density correction, but is also what allows the SmartCarb to provide proper top end fueling without the need for a power jet. Or in other words, there is a seamless power delivery up the mountain regardless of the altitude changes.

Superior Fuel Economy and Performance Gains are accomplished simultaneously by this superior atomization process that is working in conjunction with the float bowl pressurization. Those gains are realized in increased power and improved altitude compensation. All of these improvements in technology have been evolving over the last 45 years of development of these

Flat Slide Carbs.  I experienced these benefits on my “spirited” mountain ride. However, Smart Carbs have also been put to the test at the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb which is a grueling road race that starts at 9300 feet in altitude and climbs up to 14,110 feet in less than 13 miles!! Two racing quads were outfitted with SmartCarbs and they achieved a 1st and 2nd Place Finishes!!

There will be more technical Blog Posts about SmartCarb Technology. If you have questions, please feel free to communicate that to: and we will research with our colleagues at Technology Elevated.